Solid State amp with wide soundstage

So I bought a tube amp for a project and fell in love with the elbow room tubes give each musician. Unfortunately, because I listen to a lot of electronic music, the amp just doesn't give me the slam in the low end and the detail up top that I love. So please recommend a solid state amp that gives the best, widest soundstage. Budget $1000 used. Speakers Revel M20s.

Consider VanAlstine, best bang for your buck solid state amps on the market. He only sells direct so there is no distributor or dealer mark-up. His solid state betters ALL the Levinson, Bryston, Classe, Acurus, Adcom, Rotel, gear in this class and for less money. Build quality excellent, aesthetix left wanting-very plain vanilla. But if you desire high-end performance on a beer budget consider them. See at
hi dhcod the previous 2 posts failed to mention the highly respected Electroacompaniet. maybe alittel more than 1k but this lab is worth serious consideration in the ss. sound.
Although mentioned above by brand name, I'll be specific: add the Bryston 3B-ST to your list. A fine amp that can bought used for $1000-1200, provided that roughly 140-150 wpc (actual output, not rated output) is sufficient for your needs.