Preamp dilemma...

Just sold my Audio Research LS15 to upgrade preamp. System is:

Basis 2001/Graham 2.2/MBenz m.09
Arcam Alpha 9 CD
ProAc 2.5's

I've been pleased, just looking for improved soundstage, dynamics; if I had to choose, I would say I would better tolerate some warmth in the system, but still want detail. Love nothing more than being drawn into the music. Listen to vinyl/CD about 60/40.

Preamps on the list:

Thor TA-1000
SF Line3
Joule LA100

I have a fairly long IC run to the amp (5 meters), but I'm hearing that balanced vs. single-ended isn't the silver bullet it was once thought to be, as evidenced by many high-end units only being made w/SE outs. My big concern is compatibility with the VT100MkII and the PH3, since there's no way I'm going to be able to audition many of these. Opinions on these (or is there a glaring omission that would work here?)
LS5 MkII/III actually was on my list originally, but I was a bit put off by balanced in's only... I've heard that the BL-1 (plus extra interconnect) is NOT a good thing; does the MkIII have SE also?
Have you heard of the Opal Wyetech Labs preamp? Might be what you are looking for (any budget limitations?)
I have only tried the Sovteks (factory tubes) and the Amperex 7308 gold pins. The Soveteks make the pre amp very very good. The Amperex's make it one of the best pre amps I have ever heard. The ls 5 becomes a different character altogether. The actual sweet spot shrinks (almost electrostatic in nature) but the sound in the spot is jaw dropping. I too am using the AR damper rings (2 clear silicon rings per tube). The texture and vibration of instruments and voices is extraordinary. The tubes are hard to come by but worth every penny. I understand the Mullards give it a similiar character. All of my components are run balanced so the all XLR is a good thing. I would love to get a removable power cord however. I may have to drive over there and see if they can do it.
The only AR piece I am very familiar with is the Reference 1. I think it is in the same class, if not a hint better in most configurations. The LS 5 is all balanced and with the right CD balanced output Player (I have an EC EMC1) the Ls5 can edge out the Reference one ever so slightly.
I had an extra ls 5 for sale a few months back. I never saw one on the market before that but it was like the Ls5's came out of the woodwork all at the same time! If you can find one snap it up.
celery - thanks for the tips on tubes

do you have a mkii or mkiii?

I have a mkii and it works fine with single ended cables using adapter clips. No need to spend gobs of money on a bl1 or 2 and more interconnects as long as your cables are 2 meters or less.

I am just astounded at the LS5's resoliving power and the way notes hang and decay so naturally. Even on recordings that were made a little bright. I'm an acoustic guitar and bass player and the musicality of the ls5 is just so right. Too bad I missed buying your second 5 celery, I recall seeing it and writing you but the funds were not there then.

I demo'd the Ref 1, not the same ballgame - it seemed more restrained, less musically involving.

anyway Chazmo - try an ls5 with your setup and you won't be taking the preamp out of it!