I purchased an AMC CVT2100as tube amp from one of the auctions on ebay this past summer for about $675. It sounded excellent for the price, almost equal to much more expensive Quicksilver Mono amps. It sounded fine driving my Vandersteen 2ce's. A few months later I decided to downsize to mini-monitors, and the particular speakers I had did not match up as well-not enough kick in the bass. I tried to sell the amp but didn't get any bites, and then traded it for an Audio Refinement Complete (ARC). If I had to do it all over again, I probably would have kept the AMC and tried different speakers. The ARC had better bass response, typical of a good solid state amp. There are few solid state amps that will match the midrange of the AMC and they all cost multiples of its street price. The only thing I didn't like about the AMC was that setting the bias after a tube replacement seemed tricky and probably should be done by a dealer or repair shop. That said, the amp was fan cooled and the tubes probably would last a few years.