Good upgrade amp for my Thiel 3.6s

My apologies if this has been pondered already. I did a quick search of the site for 3.6s and didn't find a similar thread.

I'm looking for opinions on what amp would seriously upgrade my sound from where it is currently. I have a KSA-150 driving the 3.6s.

I've heard people say that 3.6s can sound even better with more power and a dealer recommended 200W/channel as a minimum for them.

He was showing me the Classe Cam350s. Are monoblocks the way to go, or is there a killer stereo amp out there that's not in the price leagues of Boulder?

Obviously, I'm sure there's plenty of great choices, but I'd like to keep costs somewhat reasonable. I know the Classes retail for $7K for the pair. I was hoping to stay at $4K or under, but won't rule out the 350s if they really make a noticeable difference.

I would have to give Plinius a vote hear. The SA-100MKIII would be an excellent choice. Pure class A up to 100 watts would make your speakers come alive. They look sweet too! I've used them with a set of 2.3's and it was nothing short of marvelous.
No doubt about it the Plinius SA 250 MkIII will grab ahold of the Thiels and make them perform.
the SA-250MKIII is just a great extension of the sound of the SA-100MKIII. you can't go wrong either way.
I drive my Thiel 3.6's with an Aragon 8008BB, through Analysis Plus Oval 9 cables. This amp has a robust power supply, so that it doubles the current when the load impedance is halved, i.e., 200 watts into 8 ohms, and 400 watts into 4 ohms. It doesn't sound thin or harsh -- I've been pleased with it. You can find it used for $1500 or less, which is a lot less than you'll pay for some of the other units mentioned. You may want to check it out.

Good luck!
Thanks to all the varying responses. I was wondering if anyone out there has a 3.6/Krell KSA-250 matchup. I was thinking that would be a good way to go.

To Jameswei and others:

Isn't 500wpc too much for the 3.6? I thought they were rated for between 100-400 watts. Are you risking damaging the speaker with that kind of power?

Also, I was reading my 3.6 manual this weekend. Sensitivity is rated at 86db in their manuals. Is it actually lower than that?
