Good upgrade amp for my Thiel 3.6s

My apologies if this has been pondered already. I did a quick search of the site for 3.6s and didn't find a similar thread.

I'm looking for opinions on what amp would seriously upgrade my sound from where it is currently. I have a KSA-150 driving the 3.6s.

I've heard people say that 3.6s can sound even better with more power and a dealer recommended 200W/channel as a minimum for them.

He was showing me the Classe Cam350s. Are monoblocks the way to go, or is there a killer stereo amp out there that's not in the price leagues of Boulder?

Obviously, I'm sure there's plenty of great choices, but I'd like to keep costs somewhat reasonable. I know the Classes retail for $7K for the pair. I was hoping to stay at $4K or under, but won't rule out the 350s if they really make a noticeable difference.

justin, either amp would power your thiels to your hearts content. you will have the classic ss/tubes question to resolve however. you will give up some of the airiness of tubes with the threshold - you will also give up the not inconsiderable expence of maintenance of the m300. if you already have a tube front end i'd go with the m300. if you have solid state i'd stick with the threshold.
Thanks for your advice Newbee. I do have a solid-state preamp. The Adcom GFP-750.

Just had a dealer recommend the Conrad-Johnson MF2500 to me. Actually I was calling him based on an earlier recommendation for the Plinius. He told me was phasing out the Plinius line as they're not selling that well. The CJ sounds like a good deal. $3500 list and I've seen it selling here for around $2K. Doesn't appear to have balanced inputs though. He also recommended the Krell KAV-2250. I heard the Krell before and wasn't impressed. I'd rather keep my KSA-150 than buy the newer one.

Some quick reviews I saw of the 2500 were all favorable, some even saying it beats the Levinson No. 335.
personally, i wouldn't buy any of the solid state amps except the threshold without listening first (because i'm familiar with it), and i would certainly want to hear the plinius - from what i have read and been told your can get a 250IV in your price range used. it clearly has the current and power you want. sonically i suspect it will warm up the tone of your speaker/pre-amp combo somewhat if thats of interest to you
When originally auditioning Thiel 2.3's w/a krell 500 watt integrated- sounded ok. Then I tried Pass Labs x-150 -WOW is all I can say - match made in heaven. I now own Pass Labs x-250 x-1.

Must audition
Best of luck