I have just done what you are trying to do. Only difference
is that I didn't think I could really get decent full range speakers for that kind of money. I tried a lot of products in the price range and have found that a pair of Spendor SP-3/1p's with an Exposure Super XV makes music like I didn't dream could be accomplished at this price level. A pair of Spendor SP-1's (older models) with a nice integrated (one of the British designs) will also make you think you're dreaming...they are that good.
Good luck in your search and above all..have fun!
PS. I found the Audio Refinement to be a bit dull for my tastes...I like the Regas, Roksans, Naims, Exposures, Arcams, Missions and the lot, WAY more. They are just more involving.
is that I didn't think I could really get decent full range speakers for that kind of money. I tried a lot of products in the price range and have found that a pair of Spendor SP-3/1p's with an Exposure Super XV makes music like I didn't dream could be accomplished at this price level. A pair of Spendor SP-1's (older models) with a nice integrated (one of the British designs) will also make you think you're dreaming...they are that good.
Good luck in your search and above all..have fun!
PS. I found the Audio Refinement to be a bit dull for my tastes...I like the Regas, Roksans, Naims, Exposures, Arcams, Missions and the lot, WAY more. They are just more involving.