Acurus A200 vs Adcom 5800

I am currently running NHT 2.5i speakers w/ MIT termenator2 speaker cables and have 3 preamps. I have an Adcom GFP-555II
and an Acurus L10 and an Acurus RL-11 preamps. I also have an Arcam Alpha 8SE cd player. I am also using MIT single ended cables to connect the preamp to the amp and the cd player to the preamp.

My question is would the Adcom GFA-5800 amplifier or the Acurus A200 amplifier sound better? I want a detailed sound with a large soundstage. Any help will be appreciated.
I disagree with the others. I'd go Aragon, Acurus and Adcom as a last resort. The Acurus amp is quite a unit. Adcom is basically junk. The 5802 is better than the others but not close to the Aragon. go to audioreview to look to see what others have to say about all the choices. You really don't have a bad choice here but the Mondial equipment is better.
Thanks for the responces. Any owners of Acurus equipment out there, who've heard the ADCOM GFA-5800, also??
Without any budget limitation, there are hundred of other amps that are definitely better than the A200 and as good as - if not better than - any being mentioned here. I have no experience w/ Adcom 5800 but I do have Acurus A200 and RL-11 driving the Magenepan 1.6 and I am quite happy w/ the setup. Of course, I would rather have the Aragon 8008xx or Bryston 4Bxx but each of them is more than twice the price of an A200. I am sure the Adcom 5800 would be the same as well. BTW, the A200 has been discontinued but you still can find them on used market for about $500. An used 8088 or 4B is at least twice that much so take your pick.
