What's the best sounding SS or Tube linestage pre?

Hi All,
I've got to finally break down and buy a pre-amp. Any suggestions on which sounds best? I listened to the Adcom GFP-750 and it sounded pretty nice. Please use that as a reference point and go from there. (Just as good for less money....better for a little more?)

I'd like to know about both SS AND Tube pre's. I'm definitly interested in good VALUE too (not necessarily low price, but want good bang for the buck). I don't need bells and whistles (not even a remote) and only need it for one source (SACD-CD).

Thanks for your comments and Happy Listening!
None. Why use a linestage if you don't need one? If you only have one high level source/cdp look for a cdp with an analog volume control like the Resolution Audio 55 and Audio Aero Capitole. You will also eliminate one interconnect saving money and improving the sound. Yes, one less interconnect makes a big difference. Another way, but maybe not as good, is to look for an amp with an attenuator built-in or find someone who can install an attenuator into your existing amp. I really believe that an active linestage (only) is just another way for the manufacturer to sell another component.
Hi All,
Thank you all for your comments. Any thoughts or experience with this product? I'm looking at the EVS Ultimate Attenuators to use as a passive pre. They seem to have the shortest and cleanest signal path. Looks good on paper! Any reason these wouldn't give the "cleanest" transfer of signal from my source? (sacd player) As always, your comments and suggestions are appreciated.
Happy Listening!