Audio stores in my area...

Does anyone know if there is a website with a search engine that will show stores that sell high-end audio equipment around my area? I really don't think there are any places near me that sell high-end speakers, and I would like to test some different ones out before I drop a ton of money on some. I do not want to be disappointed by my decision so I really should have a listen first.

Any help would be appreciated! BTW, I live in Lodi, CA, which is sort of near Sacramento.

In Lodi, you're not far at all from the East Bay and South Bay, so you should have no trouble finding the majority of speaker lines to hear. There are many high end shops in this area, and in addition, numbers of private or home dealers carrying some of the more exotic lines. A few for starters -
Music Lovers Audio (Berkeley)
San Francisco Stereo (Berkeley, San Francisco &
South Bay)
Bay Area Audio (San Jose)
The Analog Room (San Jose)
Audible Difference (Palo Alto)
And lots of others. By all means take advantage of these places, its worth the 1 hour drive. In fact, there are so many audio dealers, manufacturers, and designers in this area that you can get a lot of help in finding and narrowing down your choices once you get out and start talking to people.
Good luck.

Thank you all for the help. Too bad that I probably can't get to most of those places because, hah, I'm only 17, and driving to San Francisco isn't exactly easy for me. But I did happen to find out that Paradigm speakers are sold at an authorized shop right in Stockton, only a few miles away, and it didn't show up on the list of dealers on the Stereophile website. I'll have to check out the shop soon and see if they have any speakers there that can satisfy me. :)
Have you tried the yellow pages? Just about all of my dealers are listed under 'stereo'.