power cords and krell amps any suggestions?

I'm thinking about upgrading form the stock cord for both of my amps a Ksa 200s and a Kav-500 3. We are using the Audioprism
Power Foundation lll, I also have 2 20 amp dedicated circuts for the system with the orange heavy duty recepticals. Which power cords have you tried and what were the results? Or would I be better served upgrading my recepticals first? I would like to here from Krell owners but of course all imput would be helpful.
Thanks for your help.
Krell power cords supplied by Krell according to Krell are not necessary to upgrade. I have not replaced the power cord but added the Ultimate Outlet by PS Audio there is a difference. Base is deeper and the monoblocks became more musical. This Ultimate 20 amp outlet is plugged into both of my Krell monoblocks (350mcx's) by the way on a 20 amp circuit. The sound difference can be heard. I spent my money on the AC Ultimate Outlet versus the power cord!!!
I build PCs ($69) and assemble DIY Kits ($32) around the outstanding Belden 83802 12AWG in Teflon cable. Many of us have used this stuff for a year or two and are very gratified by the results as a surprisingly low price. Now that really great HD screw-clamp Shurter IECs are available, you can put together one of these outstanding PCs in a 1/2 hour with just screwdrivers, a toothpick and a knife. RSVP is you want to try one. Happy Thanksgiving!

try the custom power cord model 11, or maybe the top
gun model,in my experience with power cords these are
the best,try them, music direct might loan you.