Rowland 2 or Accuphase A50?

Which of these amps are the better? I'm used to tube gear, but looking into the high end solid state to see if it compares.
I went from a Rowland Model 10 to an Accuphase A-50V. The Accuphase was significantly better in every way. That being said, the A-50V is both a newer design and much more expensive than the Model 2 which went out of production back in 1999. So not a fair fight IMO. I have now moved on to an Einstein hybrid, which although it does not have the ability to handle difficult loads like the Accuphase, drives my new Tidal speakers just fine. I also like the fact that it weighs 50 pounds less.
Both can sound very good depending on system synergy but i would take the accuphase over the rowland having owned both brands but different models.
the accuphase is silky, more refine and just for me, more organic.
But that is not to say the rowland is bad sounding. In the proper system, i also heard them do very well.
best if you can audition both. ymmv. good luck.
I am intend to use accuphase a50 with my jbl 4344! Still have accuphase m1000 monoblock, c280L pre amp ! Please advise me which is better! Thank you!