Twl In defense of Jtinn I would like to say this, he has always let it be know he is a dealer in each thread he is involved in where he offers an opinion or rave. I certainly sense his enthusiasm for the Tenor and have come to highly respect his input. The Tenor has really gotten high praise from every corner. Then again I would expect nothing less based on its price. If it turns out to be a mirage, the company won't last. I would love to hear it in my system but I could never justify to myself (or wife) spending that much money on an amplifier.
I am probably not as critical of this as you might be since you are an insider and better know than I how it works. You make some interesting points. I on the other hand have never been involved in the audio industry. There is not one individual that could ever pursuade me that one thing is better than another. Only my ears will do that. One of the most important things I always try to convey to anyone seeking my opinion is that yes, you may respect it but to ALWAYS trust your own ears first. Opinions from trusted peers just help narrow down the choices.
I also feel it is useless to compare two completely different and unfamiliar systems and try to attribute the sound of one over the other to a particular component, there are too many variables. The big plus for the Berning amp over the others is not whether it is the absolute "best" but all the pluses it offers over other OTL's including cost. My assessment using that criteria is, nothing I'm aware of comes close. Others may look at that comment as a compromise when to them only the "best" counts regardless of anything else. Unfortunately best often times is associated to price and it is not always true.
And thanks Twl for starting the thread. I hope it has the benefit of opening the eyes and ears of those that are looking for something they haven't yet heard that resides only in OTL designs.
I am probably not as critical of this as you might be since you are an insider and better know than I how it works. You make some interesting points. I on the other hand have never been involved in the audio industry. There is not one individual that could ever pursuade me that one thing is better than another. Only my ears will do that. One of the most important things I always try to convey to anyone seeking my opinion is that yes, you may respect it but to ALWAYS trust your own ears first. Opinions from trusted peers just help narrow down the choices.
I also feel it is useless to compare two completely different and unfamiliar systems and try to attribute the sound of one over the other to a particular component, there are too many variables. The big plus for the Berning amp over the others is not whether it is the absolute "best" but all the pluses it offers over other OTL's including cost. My assessment using that criteria is, nothing I'm aware of comes close. Others may look at that comment as a compromise when to them only the "best" counts regardless of anything else. Unfortunately best often times is associated to price and it is not always true.
And thanks Twl for starting the thread. I hope it has the benefit of opening the eyes and ears of those that are looking for something they haven't yet heard that resides only in OTL designs.