Why no threads on OTL amps?

I looked through the old thread list and didn't find anything on OTL amps. How come? Does nobody like them? Is there something wrong with them? Would you buy/notbuy one, and why? If you would buy one, which one do you like best? I always thought OTL was the best, but there doesn't seem to be much interest here on this forum for them.
Mes, your point was misconstrued by Tubegroover, not me. I understood your point perfectly and thanks for your comments on my post and on the thread.
could somebody recommend a good home Theatre speaker for use with the Berning 270 amplifier?
Mejames, I would think that any good speaker to your liking would work well with the zh270. Bear in mind that it is 70 watts per channel, so the selection should include that criteria. As you may know already, I am quite opinionated in my speaker recommendations. For HT however, I am less stringent in my opinions. Generally, I would say pick a speaker that would fit your liking for both categories and use them for your mains/fronts for both audio and HT. Since I don't know your particular taste or budget, it's hard for me to recommend a particular speaker, but a full range dynamic type would fit the bill for both applications. An 8ohm load sounds better than 4 on the Berning OTLs. So I would go with 8ohm. Probably an efficiency level of about 92-95 db would give plenty of room for the dynamics of HT.

Apparently I ruffled a feather or two when I stated my "opinion" that I preferred the Berning to the Tenor. I do agree that the systems were different. I cannot imagine, however, that manufacturers mate equipment at these shows with speakers and associated equipment that they did not feel brought out the better attributes of their products. That being said, I like most people in this hobby, am not afforded the opportunity to take home any and every product for evaluation on a master reference system. This being the case, I choose to participate in attending shows and frequenting audio shops so I can hear as many products as I can and gather as many "opinions" on equipment as possible. I do this with a clear concious in an effort to make an educated and yes, subjective decision on what products I like and dislike. Because as we all know in this hobby, it all comes down to what you like and nobody else.

Thorty40: This was made clear back when they were introduced. While it is a brilliant design, it is not an OTL. It is a transformer based amplifier that is biased by a high speed oscillator to reduce hysteresis effect of the transformer.

An output transformerless amplifier does not have a transformer between the tubes and the speakers. The David Berning amplifier has one after the tubes. Ask to see the schematics published in the patent application. In your own statement, you aver:

"Ok, the RF re-mapping occurs through the use of a tiny RF transformer at a carrier freq. of 250kHz."

The transformer you speaker of, is in between the tubes and the speaker leads. Hence, it is in no way an OTL.

To reiterate, it is a brilliant design and while having the ability to drive impedance challenged speakers, if put head to head with a proper OTL on a stable load, you might be surprised at which one sounds better. Again, I want to make it clear that if I had a limited budget and a tough load to drive, I would give the Berning amps real consideration.