Hi Jonathan
You are right, by the truest definition of OTL, the Berning is not. The patent application and schematic is on Berning's website for those interested. It may be a moot point, the proof is in the listening. I am not certain how it would compare head to head with an ideal load next to the top tier OTL's with all other things being equal. I will say that next to the Transcendent 25 watt amp, there really is no contest. My wife, who could care less, noticed it immediately before she even knew I changed anything. The Berning doesn't take a back seat in any performance area. Then again it is more powerful and this can certainly come into play in the equation. The big difference is the clarity at all frequencies of the Berning over the Transcendent. There is also a better sense of space and definition. Bass performance is in a word, incredible. Not only control but placement in the recording space, much better than the Transcendent. This isn't really a fair comparison since the Transcendent is less than half the price. But to these ears the Berning beats the hell out of any transformer coupled amp I've heard. The Transcendent does too, within its power limitations. It is just that these designs are faster, more resolving and natural sounding.
There are varying opinions about the Berning on some stats, especially at the frequency extremes. This in comparison with other OTL's. With the benign load of Merlin VSM-M's the performance is stellar.
I'll just go on believing that it doesn't get too much better than this. Ignorance truly can be bliss especially at this level of performance.