Plinius vs. McCormack

I have a pair of B&W speakers-CDM 9NTs. I'm looking at either the Plinius 8200P amp with a Plinius CD LAD preamp or a McCormack DNA225 amp with a McCormack RLD1 preamp. Any thoughts?
Adcom vs. McCormack? HA, wow that is one strech.. There is not a SINGLE Adcom capable of even coming close to a McCormack amp of any line they have put out sorry.

But anyway Plinius is a nice amp, but its a bit dry and pricey, I had one vs. a CODA class A amp, the Coda was easily on top.

Plinius vs. McCormack could really depend way more heavily on the absolute system synergy and speaker its driving.

Disclaimer I own none of this equipment anymore or these brand names. But for the record the Adcom was the bottom of the heap :-)
No more edit either on this new audiogon huh?

Anyway I realized typing too fast I missed the second "t" in stretch above.
Wow! This is wonderful. I’m thinking about all my threads that got no replies. And here I was feeling sorry for myself - thinking I was being neglected. But now I realize that maybe they’re just still being pondered.