Ultralinear vs. Triode

I posted this on AA, but since I find both that site and this to be such a great complemtn to each other, I'm posting this here:

From what I read most people seem to prefer triode, however, my experience with Rogue Magnum M120's (Teslovak controllers, EH6550 power, decicated power lines, look in Inmate System for rest) was different.
In triode, the intruments and voices did have a fuller, more 'there' sense, but the actual sound was seriously lacking in punch.
In ultralinear, drums and 'claves' hit right in the chest.
The sound seemed _much_ slower in triode mode, giving the sound a fuzzy sense.

I've listened to the amps, one weekend in each mode and this weekend switched modes on Sat. from ultra to triode. What we thought we heard the first time around was clearly there.This is particularly noticeable in rock tunes (I am the walrus, barracuda, zeppelin).

Now, these tubes are fairly new, less than 200 hours on them, same as the amps.

Any comments? Would different tubes help? I need to get an extra set anyway...

I just switched my new Magnum M120's to triode and I immediately missed the power of UL... Yes triode is a little smoother, but the bass slam and imaging gets a little sloppy.
I just listened to my Rogue Tempest II in triode last week for the 1st time. Not sure if I liked it over Ultralinear. In some ways it sounded better but the dynamics and slam were not there and the soundstage was set futher back. I think UL is overall much more of an accurate live sound.
Usually I like Ultralinear mode better than triode in the VTL and CJ amps. I now own the VAC PHI 300.1 monos and like it much better in triode.
I seriously prefer triode setting (~40W) for rogue tempest magnum integrated. My speakers are Merlin TSM-MM. Triode results more realistic sound IMO.