Tube Pre-amps for audition list

Plan to mate a tube preamp with a McCormack DNA-225 and PSB Stratus Goldi speakers. Also, am into vinyl and have a Lehmann Black cube, but am open to replacing it with a pre/phono combo if that seems best. Figure I'd like a tube pre to tame the very slight brightness of the McCormack. I find that I prefer a pre with remote but am, again, open. Have considered AI Modulus 3A, Blue Circle BC3, and Rouge 99. What would any of you suggest to make the short list for audition? Can spend about $1500 USED. Thanks.
BTW, I am not totally married to buying a tube pre. If anyone can suggest a SS pre that has characteristics that would match well with the McCormack, I am willing to give them a listen, too. Someone once suggested Bryston to me.
Having previously owned a Bryston BP-25 I can attest that in now way does it resemble a tube preamp. Tubes can color the music (I prefer it that way)and the BP-25 is brutally revealing with no coloration at all. Don't get me wrong - I think its a great preamp if you don't want the perceived hassle of tubes - no sonic signature whatsoever. If you are "married" to getting a tube preamp then don't even consider the BP-25 - it couldn't be farther from tube sound...
Rogue Magnum 99 pre. It comes with an analogue remote, headphone jack and optional phono stage. I am currently using the 66 Magnum pre with Rogue's M120 Magnum Monoblocs and I'm finding it hard to leave the house for any extended period of time. After the 66 Magnum is gone I'm moving up the 99 Magnum pre. For the price you can't beat it. Let us know what you end up with.