Which is better, Lex. DC 1 or Theta Casanova

Would like opinions from those who have auditioned both. I am 60/40 music over HT. Thank you.
From all that I've read, the DC-1 is nothing more than middle-of-the-road at best and the MC-1 was suppose to be much better but even that one is B-rated sonically by Stereophile.

If you're looking for a musical pre/pro, there is certainly better out there than the DC-1.
I've owned a Theta Casa-Nova for about a year. With the right everything else in place it sounds pretty good. I can honestly say I don't crave another pre-amp, though I have been known to fantasize about the Casa Blanca II with extreme dacs from time to time :^)
I have the Casanova. I traded a DC-1 for it. I think the Theta is much better overall for music and it does great HT. The Theta does volume control in the analog domain, i.e. it does not digitize and throw away data to attenuate volume. I too listen to mostly music and occasional HT. I think Tim's recommendation is the ultimate way to do both and I'll probably do that some day as well. But for now the Casanova is pretty good. if you have more bucks to spend, there's always the Casablanca...
Soix's advice is spot on - given your leaning toward music it's by far the best way to go for the quality stereo, and cost effective as well. More flexible for future upgrades as well!
I've used both of these preamps in the past. May I recommend something much better sonically in the Classe SSP30 or similar!?! Eithr that, or the likes of a used Aragon Soundstage, or even modest little Acurus Act 3!!
All of these units sound clea cean clean!, have tons of detail and clarity, and are simple to use. Also, the advantge of these units is that, besides sounding fantastic, will do ADVANCED BASS MANAGEMENT!...WHICH IS CRITICAL TO PROPER SET-UP FOR HT IN MY OPPINION!(this is Why Outlaw audio offers flexible bass mgmt processors).
Other great sounding pieces for a 2 ch/DD/DTS pre/pro, would be Krell HTS(no dirrect input however for Analog in's), and Proceed AVP. Both of these don'thave ABM however, and I don't think do dirrect analog thru-puts for Anlog in on CD, etc. However, I find you usually will still get better results using the Digital in from the DVD player and processing in the processor instead.
However, for money, flexibility, and features (minus the Analog thru's, is the Classe SSP30...great sounding piece, THX, ABM, etc...and affordable for new. Good Luck