Amp play a low volumes?

I'm about ready to buy a NAD C350 but I need to know if it will play at very low volumes. I like to listen to music at night sometimes so I need the amp to only put out a very little. I think I heard somewhere that it has some kind of protection thing that will turn it off automatically at such low volumes, is this correct?

Also, the speakers I plan to buy have a sensitivity of 93db/w, so they will take even less power to get moving right?
Why music sounds thinner and less lifelike at low volumes is a phenomenon called the "Fletcher-Munson Effect". This is when the ear is more sensitive to midrange sounds at low volumes. The "Loudness" button on receivers is designed to compensate for this by equalizing the response curve according to the "Fletcher-Munson Response Curve" which raises the amplitude of the highs and lows at a rate specified in a published,standardized format. This is also why, in the old days, you would see graphic equalizers with all the sliders arranged like a "smiley face". If a speaker sounds flat and neutral at very low volumes, then you can bet it will be boomy/sizzly when listening at louder levels. Conversely, a speaker that is very neutral will sound rolled off at both ends when listening at very low volumes. This is due to the "Fletcher-Munson Effect" as described above. Sean got it right.
This has been an interesting thread-- thanks Jcd. I think I "re-learned" some things I had forgotten, re Sean and Twl. But that still doesn't explain why my (past Vand. 3As) sounded good at low Vol., but Vand. 5s don't.

Sean may have hit it though, ie warm sounding speakers (3As) may sound better than the more neutral 5s-- that sort of makes sense to me. And as the 5s continue to breakin, they ARE sounding better at low vols.-- and getting warmer. A big contributor to this (warmth) was also a change from Acme silver outlet to copper FIM. Cheers. Craig
Thank you guys for all of the replies. I will probably be getting the equipment fairly soon, and it should be fun to hear a good system in my house for once.
As a follow up to my comments above, I thought it might be useful to report that I just took delivery of a NAD C350 yesterday. My initial reaction is very favorable and it has not been burned in. The amp plays fine at high and low volume and does not shut down at low volume. It is a very synergistic match for B&W DM602s2's and has thus far outperformed much more expensive equipment with these speakers. I still suggest you leave the soft clipping button in the off position.