Who out there knows about Audio Research Pre's???

Out of all the the used tube pre's which one offers most bang for the buck?Also if it is the SP6 how much odes the A version differ from B-E?I notice a number of LS22's which seem more recent in vintage and list for $4K going for $1500 and they look form back to be fully balanced (though looks/XLR's can be decieving).How old are they and why do they go so cheap.The LS25II seems to be most recent and uses the 6H30 (??) "Super Tube" like BAT.Seems a bit to rich for my blood.But want something to replace my Muse at some point to match with a Mesa Baron and about 10 different spaekrs I will own over next few years.

The LS22 was produced for only a year (1995), and is therefor the least well known of the recent AR linestages. I think this the reason it is such a bargain on the used market. It is, in fact, fully balanced. It can also be used with single ended sources and amps.

Do a Mfg. search on AudioGon to get a list of all the models and dates made. Subscribe if you want pricing. It will give you a sense of how their products evolved.
steer clear of the newer ARC LS22, 25, ref1

most bang for buck LS5 MKIII
it is fully balanced inputs but you can get cheater plugs and it sounds just fine

this pre is more musical than the Ref 1
and a lot less costly

the ls5 has a luscious sound, warmth, dynamics, soundstage
really opens the music up, is revealing and is tonally balanced

you can sometimes find them for $2000-$2300

the mk ii is nice also

If you want a phono stage try the SP vintage from ARC. They are all a great value at their used price. I like the SP-8 (800-900.00) better than the SP-6A (700-850.00) both of which I owned. I can't comment on the B-E series of SP-6.

If you can find one, don't hesitate on the SP-10 Mk2 it is a great pre-amp with an excellent phono stage. You'll be lucky to find one cheap but miracles do happen. I have a friend who picked up a mint one for 1.5K, typically 2-2.5K.

I agree with Audiotomb. The best of ARC's linestages I've heard is the LS-5. I have also listened to the LS-15, LS-16 and LS-25 and they are ho-hum compared to the LS-5.