I agree with Irish65 in a big way. I have been away awhile and have not read everything but the Duelund inductor shocked me at how much better it was than stock or the North Creek I was comparing as well. (the stock was a wax paper thin wire inductor)
Most speaker use a VERY cheap inductor that has no way to deal the resonance.
My feeling before I heard it was the inductor was not that important after all how much high freq noise could be caused by the inductor?? Boy was I wrong! Lots!
I believe the reason for this is that most inductors are just garbage! Everyone seems to treat this part as an after thought. So a massive improvement from top quality and junk.
I do not have CAST inductors like Irish but if I had the $$$ I would. I have Duelund WPIO. There is no reason not to have CAST inuctors except $$$. In the case of the inductor CAST is just awesome at blocking noise. I have not heard CAST as an inductor just a CAST cap so base that comment on that.
I also agree with Irish on you really go on a thread like this and you can narrow your list but I would buy a few choices till I heard the differnce. Only you can tell what is worth it and what is better.
One thing I did to save money was always buy one cap or inductor first. That is how this started comparing just one Duelund VSF and Mundorf parts. I order the VSF with the idea I am just throwing some money away but let's hear the fuss.
Not sure how much Frederik liked this buying one at time but they are expensive.
You really can not know what you will end with till you hear them.
The key thing in this thread is start with a set of speakers you REALLY like to begin with. I think you may find you are in essence done with trading speakers after that. (so likely your last speakers)
I bought Sonicaps, Mundorf Supreme's and Silver and Oil, North Creek inductors, Jensen Paper in Oil and of course the Duelund VSF, CAST and Duleund WPIO inductors.
What sounds like budget saving idea buying cheaper parts ends up costing more. All of the parts are gone or not used except the Jensen and Duelund parts. All at a loss of course.
When this thread started I was not thinking of blowing a wad on parts!
For example I expect there will be wayyyy more difference in a Duelund inductor and stock inductor than Jensen Copper Paper tube and Duelund VSF.
Tweeter caps is another good area to test as this part really matters as well.
Irish65 I am going to reread you part about series tweeter inductors. I have not replaced mine yet. You have got me thinking about that part???