A friendly comparison with a non 5 year old Berning (which has caps that may have problems from sitting around too long) with properly set feedback and the Tenors or Atmasphere amplifers would be an interesting bout. Price here is not an issue, as I feel all are in the same league. Simply place one amp (or amps) directly next to the other, performance vs. performance with no reservations in regards to price or reputation, status ect......
Maybe we should try this at a CES next year, I think it would be alot of fun and interesting at the same time. All flavors will be desireable I feel, all appealing to different people in different ways.
Back and forth with this ones better, that ones better, nobody will ever rest on the matter. Some have stated the Berning is not in the League with the Tenors or the Atmaspheres and that is what I simply do not believe based solely on the sonic integrity of the Berning. I wonder what reactions people would have if the Berning cost $12,000.00 and was spread across some audiophile publications? Would it then magically be in the same league because of price status and exposure alone or would people think, it has to sound great, it costs so much and so and so loves it.
Actually, a couple of ZH270's ran as mono blocks sound great but would that comparison (approx. $10k) be fair with the 70W Tenors? Price wise yes, sure but the output power would not be equal and in effect result in an unbalanced comparison.
I know the Tenors and Atmaspheres are great sounding amps, they have to be in order to have such a faithful following. Well you guys, think of how strongly Berning owners feel and I think you will find we are not on opposite sides but more like on different ends of the same bench :)