McCormack DNA1 options

I own a McCormack DNA1 and a TCL-1 preamp and Merlin TMS-SE monitors[which I really like].

While I have been very pleased with this combo I do find
it, at times, a tad forwards, somewhat grainy, and harsh/tizzy esp. at the higher frequencies.

I listen to a wide range of music, esp acoustic and vocals.
I'm in a position to upgrade and I was wondering how best to invest.

A) Get the DNA1 upgraded
B) Purchase a tube preamp
C) other ?

Thanks for your input
All things being equal, the McCormack's are typically anything BUT "grainy, tizzy or forward". While there is probably room to move in terms of improvements with the upgrades, i would look elsewhere in your system first before thinking that this will be the cure. Sean
Sean makes a good point, but my opinion would be to do both A & B. The McCormack upgrades are excellent and I'm a big believer in tube pre-amps. I've not heard your speakers, but they have a good reputation, and so I'd suspect your ICs or spkr cables first-- or maybe other things?

I had my DNA2 upgraded to Rev. A and love it-- smooth, liquid, dynamic, detailed, exc soundstage etc. And a friend felt the same about a DNA1 Rev. A. Good Luck. Craig

I can't speak for the TLC or Merlin but I can for the DNA1. Is yours the standard or Deluxe? I have both a .5 Deluxe and a REV A. There is a world of difference between the 2 amps. The REV A is much smoother and fuller sounding. The sound is laid against a black background and much of the grunge is gone. In addition, I do run a King Cobra power with this amp. Pretty much everthing that is listed at: about the REV A is true.
I own a DNA 1 that I bought new and had uprgraded to Revision A. Even prior to the upgrade, I completely agree with Sean'a comments. My guess is your problem is most likely with your cabling, (of course your speakers and CD may be playing a role too :) ) What kind of speaker/interconnects are you using?