Jeff Rowland Amps?

How come the Rowland Amps are so expensive with such a low power rating? Do all their Amps run in class A? Their Model 12 which is only rated at 200 watts cost $15,000. Do they under rate their power for a reason? Would anyone care to explain....
When bying Hifi gear, you have to pay for a lot of
different "values".You pay for a certain brandname,for
design,for the prestige of owning expensive equipment;
the last declaration wouldn´t apply if the price of the product was diminished considerably.In fact, some goods actually sell in larger quanties, if the price is increased....

Of course, some of us are more conserned about the inherent
qualities of a product.

The bottom line is, that it is up to you, the consumer,
to decide if a product is worth its price.

Thus;if Jeff Rowland amps are to expencive I can´t tell.

Regards from Sweden
When it comes to high dollar per watt, did someone mention the Audio Note models ??? Sean
Kelly, I KNOW that it's killin' ya NOT to participate on this one, eh?

Aron, Please do a search on Rowland in the forums, much has been writen about them and your answers may be there.
you made a wise choice, my friend
aj- I was thinking the same thing-poor kel is pacing back and fourth contemplating whether or not to post, sipping his drink, and ripping my horrible grammer apart(which I am sure I will hear about any way); or he could simply be laughing which would be my guess of his traipsing through the forums.

oh yea and as far as the thread is concerned JRDG amps are among the most highly regarded solid state amps in the world, they do so much so well. Though I can't say to much about this because in my early years here at audiogon I posted a VERY similar question asking in general about jeff rowland amps and have learned A LOT since.
Find a picture of a Model 2 or Model 8 with the cover off.
Then see one in the flesh-close up.
Quality, Quality, Quality.