Jeff Rowland Amps?

How come the Rowland Amps are so expensive with such a low power rating? Do all their Amps run in class A? Their Model 12 which is only rated at 200 watts cost $15,000. Do they under rate their power for a reason? Would anyone care to explain....
I had Eidolons and the difference between the Rowland Model 10 and the Accuphase A-50V was substantial. The sort of diffence that you can hear easily in 30 seconds: depth, transparency and bass control. The Accuphase does it all! Of course the Accuphase's retail price is more than double that of the Rowland so I can't really say that this is a fair comparison. OTOH, based on comments I have read on the Model 12, I have no doubt that the Accuphase would handily beat that combination as well.
Linkster, was your experience on the same day, with the same equipment, etc.? If so, I'd like to hear the Accuphase. What about instrument tonality and transient speed? I've heard the Accuphase can be a little dark and kind of buttery-smooth which would complement the Eidolons nicely, which are kind of aggressive IMO, but would the Accuphase still work with more neutral speakers?
I would call the Eidolons among the most neutral deigns I have ever heard. If you think they sound aggressive, I would suspect that something in the signal path is not broken in. The Eidolons themselves have an extraordinary long break-in, needs 1,000 hrs IMO. I could easily hear the difference between 1,000 and 500 hours. Getting back to the Accuphase issue, it is the best solid state amp of is kind IMO (small Class A), although its rated power is deceiving. I preferred it over the big Boulders ($18K+). Much greater transparency and bass control over the Rowland, especially if run using its single ended inputs.