Krell Mono 350M Vs. Mark Levinson Mono 33H

Looking to get a pair of mono block for a pair of B&W Nautilus Signature speakers. Anyone knows which mono is better between Krell Mono 350M Vs. Mark Levinson Mono 33H.
Thanks in advance for your help
The Krell is an incredible amp, but for sheer musicality I'd probably choose the Levinson. I think the Levinson is also a bit more transparent.
If you are limited to those 2 choices I strongly prefer the Levinson 33H. It is more detailed, grain free and flat out musical compared to the FPB offerings. The Levinson 33H is a very nice amplifier. I hope this helps.
I prefer the Krells but the Levinson is great too. I actually prefer the FPB-600 to the 350s. I sold my 600 to get the 350s and decided I liked the 600 better. I sent the 350s back and got a 600C.