Integrated Amp. for Platinum Solos?

I have a pair of Platinum Solos which are adequately broke-in. Their Impedance is 6 Ohm and Sensitivity is 84db.
I am thinking about getting a Musical Fidelity A300 integrated amp which generates 150 WPC. But, according to
MF A300's manual, they recommend using speakers of above
88db. Would I have any problem using MF A300 to drive Solos?
What other good Intg.Amp. would you recommend around $1,000
Having previously owned the Solos which were used with a Bryston 4B-ST (250w@8ohms,400w@4ohms) you are going to need gobs of juice - but hey thats just my opinion. The more power the better and unless you are satisfied with less than live levels I'm not sure the MF is going to do it for you. I wish I could offer a suggestion for a more powerful integrated but nary a one comes to mind. I'll have to give it some more thought...
having also previously owned the Solos, they indeed like a lot of juice. I first powered mine with a Classe CAP-80 integrated=120wpc @6 ohms which was OK but then switched to a 300 wpc PS Audio amp which really let the Solos sing at a whole new performance level.Then I discovered tubes and that's the rest of the story
I am driving my Hales T-5's with a NAD S300 integrated
amp. NAD rates it at 100 WPC, but it sounds better and
plays louder than when I was driving them with an
Odyssey Stratos amp (150 WPC). My Hales are rated at 88
db. Great build quality too.
I drove a set of Acoustic Energy AE-1's,which are similar in design to the platinum solo's,with an Exposure XV integrated amp. It has to be in a relatively small room however. It's only got 40 watts per channel,but the're quality watts.