Retro Hi End Trivia Question

Does anyone remember the "Quatre Gain Cell" amplifier?

While thinking about various configurations for my latest "new" system, I found myself daydreaming about the "high end" room of my local dealer when I was still in school:

as I recall, a Thorens turntable with an Infinity black widow arm, the Apt Holman preamp, and Dahlquist DQ 10s and Dahlquist subwoofer driven by the mysterious "Quatre Gain Cell".

It sounded great -- the type of sound and music and fun that got me into this addiction where I am still unsuccessfully chasing the first high....

I would be interested in buying one of these amps for fun to put in a bedroom, but I never see or hear about them.
Yes! I had one, using a Hafler DH-101 preamp(I built myself), an M&K satellite system, and a Luxman PD-121
table, with a SME arm, and a Supex 901 cartridge, and a Denon AU-320 phono preamp.

I am impressed with your vintage credentials.

Now I also remember I had a DH 101 (although definitely NOT built by myself) and a DH 200 at the time, powering Magneplanar MG 1Bs.

This was about 9th grade for me, so everything was funded by mowing lawns and delivering newspapers while conveniently placed smack in the middle of my parents' living room.

A Discwasher brand Zerostat would also come in handy then....

Those were the days!
Thanks! I guess I was about 25 yrs old at the time!
And had a Zerostat too! I liked the DH200, never got to try it though. I remember the Maggies, and after a while
with the M&K's, I tried the Spica TC-50's, with some
Belles Research power/pre stuff. I used to run around
town, to at least six different Hi-end audio stores,
bringing all my vinyl, and got to know some so well,
that they let me borrow equipment to try at home.
Those certainly were the days!
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