I don't have any experience putting together the system you are trying to build, but a few names do come to mind.
Wright Sound amplification www.wright-sound.com.
Antique Sound Lab amplification www.divertech.com/antiquesl.html.
Loth-X loudspeakers www.lothx.com.
Small footprint CD sources, Linn, Roksan
Tube CD sources, JoLida, Ah! www.upscaleaudio.com, Heart
I have never heard any of these, but they seem to be well regarded by those who have.
Wright Sound amplification www.wright-sound.com.
Antique Sound Lab amplification www.divertech.com/antiquesl.html.
Loth-X loudspeakers www.lothx.com.
Small footprint CD sources, Linn, Roksan
Tube CD sources, JoLida, Ah! www.upscaleaudio.com, Heart
I have never heard any of these, but they seem to be well regarded by those who have.