McCormack Upgrade reviews

I currently have a McCormack DNA-2 DLX and have read about the upgrades Steve will do at SMCaudio. It seems that everyone goes straight to Rev. A. This upgrade costs more than what I want to put into my amp right now as it is my highest quality piece and I think more benefit could be achieved by upgrading other equipment.

My question is this: Can anyone comment on the different revision levels C, B, A, and A+ as to improvements they experienced. I am considering a Rev. C right now but I rarely (if ever) see people commenting about this or the other level upgrades.
This is why we have a forum search engine. Type in McCormack & you won't believe what comes back! Here below are a links to few threads that I found regarding SMC upgrades. Since you already have a deluxe (me too) it would only make sense to go to Rev A, since Rev B is already on par with the Deluxe models. The A+ level I believe only adds balancing transformers at the inputs; only a useful feature if you're using long balanced interconnects.
I had my DNA-1 Deluxe upgraded to Revision A Gold almost two years ago. The difference was astonishing and I have not regreted it at all. Every aspect of the amp was vastly improved. It was not inexpensive, but I feel it was definately worth it. In addition, it was a pleasure dealing with Steve and his assistant Derek. I would do it again.
Bob B gives good advice. I had my DNA2DX upgraded to Rev A a year ago and was very pleased with the results. Steve's assistant is Kris Jeter (not Dekek Jeter, the baseball guy. I think Kleiman, above just made a mental goof). Both Steve and Kris are great to deal with. Good Luck, and Cheers. Craig