Difference bewteen McCormack DNA-2 & DNA-1 ??

Can someone tell me the difference bewteen the DNA-2 & 1 in terms of specifications,dimensions, circuitry, parts quality, etc.
What is the dimension of the DNA-2?
What are the differences bewteen the DNA-2 Deluxe & Standard version?
Which amp is better value for the money?
dna-2 19"w 9 1/4"h 21"d
300 watts 8 ohms
600 watts 4 ohms
-3dB @ 0.5Hz, 200 kHz
don't have specs on dna-1
Both of the McCormack Amps are of excellent quality. You won't be unhappy with either of them. As the birdman stated the DNA-2 is rated at 300 W into 8 ohms and the DNA-1 is rated at 185 W into 8 ohms. A more significant difference is that the DNA-2 is a ballanced amplifier design while the DNA-1 and 0.5 are not. If you don't have an extreemly demanding set of speekers to drive you can't beat the deals on the used DNA-1s. Get the Deluxe versions as they have better input and output connectors as well as some other upgrades. There was a DNA-1 Rev A for just under $1700 if I didn't already have a DNA-2 myself I would have bought it.

Also, the DNA2DLX has four pairs of high quality output terminals (Cardas I believe), Van den hul wiring and some other "up-graded parts" which made it about $700. more expensive (MSRP) than the standard version. But to really understand the differences, call and talk to Steve McCormack or Kris Jeter at SMC Audio. Re: the DNA1 vs 2, the 2 also has balanced inputs whereas the DNA1 does not.

But cost wise, I think you're mainly paying for the increased power of the DNA2. I've owned both of these amps "long term", and if you don't need the power of the 2, then the 1 is more cost effective. Still, I use, and prefer the DNA2DX Rev. A for it's liquidity, sense of ease, and natural presentation, but I think I could be just as happy with a DNA1 Rev. A (I no longer need the power of the DNA2, but did when I got it). Also, use the A'Gon search engine for "McCormack"-- a lot of info. there. Cheers. Craig
There is also the DNA-2 LAE (Limited Anniversary Edition) which according to one reviewer IAR's Peter Moncrief labeled the best solid state amp made in 1998/1999. It is supposedly head and shoulders over the DNA-2 Deluxe and standard DNA-2. Same power output but different transistors, etc.. and cost $2000 more than the deluxe.

I bought a used DNA-2 LAE last summer and love it. Rumor has it that the LAE version is about or almost as good as any DNA-2 Revision A.

McCormack only made 50 DNA-2 LAE's.

If you were interested in a DNA-2 or DNA-1, your most cost efficient strategy would be to purchase a used DNA standard version and then have Steve modify it to a REV A for $2500.