McIntosh MA 6500

Anyone know about this integrated? Better yet, anyone know where I can find some reviews on this piece? Thanks.
Not aware of any reviews. I have heard both this one and the 6900. There was a thread about these two integrateds here at audiogon about onemonth ago....check it out. Great features, incredible build quality, very smooth, non fatiguing sound. Good luck,
Check - it may have some info. usually is the place you may see one up for bids. Search Mcintosh. Ditto on Pardales comments. I own the 6850.
Sam Tellig of Stereophile wrote a rave review on the 6900.
The main differences were power ratings, equalizer and the
autotransformers that the 6500 didnt have.He even bought the review sample.
Seth, who started this thread, is a friend of mine and I am sure he appreciates the above information, but I know he is aware of all the above information. I do believe, besides wanting to know of any reviews, he was looking for someone who may own one and/or compared one.

I am surprised we do not hear more on the 6500, the 6900 is still quite new. I heard the 6500 in store a year ago and it sounded nice to me, as much as you can tell on a totally different system than your own and different room. At this price point, the Plinius and others get plently of acknowledgement and I would be curious how the Mac compared, not speculation.