Need Preamp Advice Please

I want to add a qauality tube preamp to my HT set and use the processor in my receiver for movies only and the tube preamp for 2 channel music. Is this possible and how do I wire it up. Also would like suggestions on used preamp in the 1000-1500 range. My set up consists of:

Sony 9000es DVD/CD Player
Pioner Elite Pre/Pro
Chiro C500 Amp
Vandy Speakers
HT Cabeling
There is an EAR 834L for sale from a dealer for 1100 . It is hard to beat for your application. It can be setup as described by Lthkeepr or the dealer can even help. I have no affliation with them but in my philosophy when you can get a great deal through a dealer it feels like a bit more protection for you the buyer.
It would be better to use a preamp with the processor loop to avoid having two volume controls in line with each other.