Which Amp Would You Buy

Bryston 4BST or Aragon 8008BB and why? Budget is 1200-1400 (Used) if you have other suggestions as well. Thank you.

I have owned both amplifiers and they are both price/performance leaders. I think that the answer depends on the speakers that they will be driving. If the speakers tend to be bright I would suggest the Aragon. If the speakers need some bloom I would suggest the Bryston. The Bryston does have the 20 year warranty. The Aragon 8008BB was discontinued recently so there are some great prices on new discontinued stock.

If I had to choose one over the other I would choose the Aragon because I prefer a more laid back sound. That takes nothing away from the Bryston. I am sure that just as many audiophiles would choose the Bryston over the Aragon. Either way you will not go wrong.
I have a McCoramck DNA-225, which I really like. Anyone compared one to the Aragon? I am intrigued by the 8008BB.
I have to agree with Acuujim on Bel Canto Evo 200.2, seems to give best price/performance for solid state in this price range. May see some good deals on used ones soon since
new BC eVo2 amp is now being sold.