Suitable amplifier for Dynaudio Contour 3.3?

Hi Everyone,

I am looking for some feedback regarding amplifier choices for my Dynaudio Contour 3.3s. I currently use the Levinson 334 which is certainly suitable for driving the speakers, but was wondering what other amplifiers should be considered. Price is in the 4-5K range. Since synergy is important, I have listed components below relative to 2-channel.

Current system (for 2-channel):
Levinson 334 amp
Theta Casablanca II w/Extreme DAC
Ayre D-1x CD/DVD
Nordost Valhalla digital and analog cables.
Synergistic Resolution Reference speaker cables.

Thanks in advance.
I'm using an FPB 200 on my Dyn 3.0's,very fast and dynamic combo. A Krell fpb mono block I imagine would be awesome with your 3.3's.
I have been using a Musical fidelity A3 CR pre and power amp combination, and the Rotel RB 1090. These drive the Contours excellently. Front end is the Sony SCD-1. I also employ a REL stadium sub. The sound is robust and very natural, and unfatigueing. Cables are Ecosse, and Nordost.
I'll have to agree with Rossta, that Plinius/Dynaudio would be fantastic match but ONLY with superb pre-amplification! Mr. Meri didn't mention what kind of pre-amp will be using. Unless, connectting the Ayre directly into the amp??
In the past I always use the Plinius with the Dyns. They are a synergistic match. I would start with the 8200integrated.
I have used a Krell KSA 200s (circa 1993) with both the Contour 3.3's and the Confidence C-5's. I use a tube (Ah!) CD player and the Krell is just wonderful with both speakers. The high end is sweet and pure coupled with a powerful decisive low end. You can buy a used Krell KSA 200s for about $2600-2900 (new 7500). I could not be happier with my setup. This system is very satisfying at low volume levels too.