I cut the cord and it paid off.

A while back I was considering cutting the rather thin captive power cord of my AirTight Atm1, even though I was getting the best sound out of all of the amps I have tried (many, many) ...I received many responses to leave well enough alone which I followed. Well...I love the Air Tight so much, I bought a 2nd one just in case ...so I have one here sitting idle...whats an audiophile to do? Yeah, I figured, cut one cord and see what happens, if it changes the sound in negative ways, I still have the stock 2nd amp. The result? I now have cut both amps, and once again the ability to use aftermarket cords on amps has only improved upon a good thing. Low level bass resolution has improved, the sound image has more focus. I am using PS Audio Lab
wow! Buying an identical component to replace another in the event that your "fiddling" goes awry? Can you share you hi-fi budget with me, please?! :-)
Bob_B- i had the local tech guy here acutualy cut the chasis and install in IEC. He does great work, (it looks stock), fast (in by 10am-out by 2pm), and is cheap ($60)

He runs a repair tv/vcr shop in Berkeley CAL, called Handy Electronics. this is the 8th piece he has done and all have been top rate.
I was thinking of having this done to my Krell KAV-1500. They are now going to captive wiring in all their amps and it just makes me feel like I am stuck with it. I have a great electronics guy who installed all top notch WBT binding posts to discard the stock cheapo's. I didn't want to risk sending the amp to them if I would get back the same crap. Now I might see about having a NBS or at least the PS Audio cable installed too. Cracks me up to see a $8k amp with cheap posts and hard wired.