Shield Amp from preamp? suggestions?

Recently got a Classe Cav-301...Placed it on the rack below my Integra Research Pre...I know they are affecting each other because of a slight buzz, the music and HT sounds slightly thin...and even on the digital volume display on my Integra I can see it sometimes "jitter"....When I first tested the amp I had it on the floor and it sounded awsome, but in the rack I hear the slight loss of quality..even in the Classe manual it says to keep the amp a few feet away from preamps, turntables etc. .Now of course I could move the amp, however this involves major reconstruction, new cables , power cords etc. Is there a simple way to shield the amp from the preamp like placing some type of shield under the preamp? THX
While I do have a ground loop , which I use a product similar to the Mondial to tame, I have to believe its the components being close to each other {about a foot apart} on different shelves. Only because when I have the amp on the floor the performance is noticably better, and additionally the center and surrounds perform better. The center and surrounds are on a different amp, so the Classe must be affecting the performance of the preamp. Like last night I ran test tones and noticed the center seemed weak. Also again I have never noticed the digital readout on the volume control to act strangely until the Classe was close to it. The amp has been on the floor twice, and each time it was placed back in the rack I noticed this problem with the volume display readout.
Darrylhifi, I have some spare Purist Isolation devices and I would loan you one or two for a test. You would be expected to pay shipping both ways and return them in good condition.

If they work you can find a dealer and order as mine are not for sale.
Albert I appreciate the offer, very generous of you, but dont want you to go to that trouble . Thanks.