Best power for 10,000

Fellow Audiogoners,

I am in need of your help. I require your suggestions for the best high resolution pre/power amplifier I can get for $10,000. Integrated amps and pre/power combos, new or used are all O.K. with me. I like detail, but not harshness, excessive midrange bloom or loose, baggy bass. Overall, I want neutral, precise sound from top to bottom. So far the best I have heard is the Linn Klimax twin power amp, but at $9000, there isn't much left in the budget for a preamp. Associated equipment will be a Sony XA-777ES SACD player, possibly with a Chord DAC 64, Wilson Benesch ACT One speakers and Kimber Select cables. Plans are for a CD 12 at some point.

Many Thanks,

The Pass Labs X600 is absolutely the best power amplifier ever made. Its ability to provide detail, definition, explosive impact, but still provide dark quietness, warmth, smoothness, (without the harshness of a Krell) is unsurpassed. Tony Cordesman (a reviewer for Absolute Sound Magazine uses a pair in his reference system.

Lucius Morris, Dynamic Sound Audio
THE BEST EVER MADE??????????????????????????????

That is quite a bold statement! Have you heard the Krell Master Reference at $120,000, etc, etc, etc? I think many if not most people would argue with your statement. I even think you would, had you heard everything out there.

Hi Guys!

I have been enjoying your conversation, however it makes me feel alienated. Is Mark Levinson a thing of the Northeast? I think (know)they are great. I listen from classical to Graham Parker. Mark Levinson is where I would invest my money and my audibility.

Mark Levinson is good for "those of us who know we are above the rest" (in hifi).
McIntosh is good for the "nostalgic"
Krell is good for the "nouveaux riches"
The rest compares themselves to the above to achieve legitimacy.