Best integrated tube amp for 1500?

Looking for something used in that price range. Ive had VTL, Cary, Rogue, Manley Stingray all recommended. So far, only heard the Rogue Tempest.

Any other recommendations?
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I will stand for Stingray if you don't need more than 50W/ch. I will acquire it someday to biamp my speakers for the mids and highs, but it only worth $1500 when you buy it used.
Get a Rogue or a VTL.Both companiesmake a companion power amp to let you laterally bi-amp.So does CJ but think there too soft (I've owned them in past).Maybe another few hundered and a used Cary SLI-80 w/80wpc or a VAC Avatar for $2K.I heard the latter with NOS taking care of buisness with a few different Revel speakers (M20's and Gems) and sounded great.But Cary,VAC,and Manley don't hav matching power amps.Give yourself that flexiblity latter.
I would like to add KR Enterprise(older versions of KR Audio) 18BSI,20BSI. The sound is very dynamic and fast. It is not a "romantic" SET.