Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Yes,at this stage anyway.Maybe each one,takes a lot longer,maybe more than the other to burn in.After two weeks,rhodium is still superior.Im sure others feel the same.Other posts certainly think so.
Sabai was onto it.They were too busy arguing,I sort of lost interest,in what they were saying.Im the sort of person who has to find out for himself,so not a problem.The next person,could have a different opinion.Im looking forward to the other rhodium arriving.
very nice Bob, job well done, you have been a huge help to me, though I may have brought the whole idea up on this thread of the Furutech GTX-D Recepticles, you concluded what sounds best to you, and I trust your ears!, we have been talking here for a long time, many come and go, but you are there, Thankyou, so if you are out there Tboooe, read Bob's- Misternice's conclusions of the GTX-D outlets, I look forward to your other Rhodium to Bob, we can now see if more than one is to much, or better?, cheers.
Thank you Misternice! I was leaning towards getting Rhodium anyway and your findings helps to push me over the edge! I will placing my order soon.

Glad to hear you're getting good results with the rhodium. I suspect this will be the case for many people.