Amp recommendations for Merlin VSM / TSM

I welcome all Merlin owner's feedback on the amps used with their VSM/TSM's. Do you prefer RCA or balanced, tube or solid state. Thanks for any thoughts.
i have used rogue 120s in triode and berning 270 (with vsm-ms). these are very different sounding amps. i am hooked on the otl sound (my personal tastes) i think what your are going to find is that the merlins will take on the amps characteristics. as for balanced i am using the batbam and it is single ended. i am sure you could order one that is balanced. so i cannot help you there.

these speakers are very neutral and i really enjoy mine.


Merlin could be paired with many different amps at the shows but seems to always be paired with Joule-Electra. You can't beat the quality, service and sheer musical enjoyment of the Joule-Electra product line, IMHO.
I used my Merlin VSMs with: Pass Aleph 3, BelCanto SETi40, 47 Labs Gaincard, Luxman M2000, NAD 916(?), Counterpoint SA-100 (and completely rebuilt as NP100), a Revox B 250S integrated, and I originally heard them with Atmasphere OTL amps. I had my spekears upgraded to "M" version recently and have used them with my rebuilt Counterpoint NP100. The speakers really do pass the information their presented with, so in that sense the amp and associated equipment matter a great deal. I thought the speakers sounded good with most of the amps, but the speakers showed the limitations of the cheaper amps (mainly the NAD). The old Merlin VSMs benefitted a bit from a fuller sounding tube amp, but I don't think that will be a crucial with the fuller bodied "M" version. In the end it will all depend on your tastes. Out of all the amps I heard, I tended to prefer the tube designs...most especially my rebuilt Counterpoint and the Atmasphere OTLs (very very nice, from what I recall). The Pass Aleph 3 and the 47 Labs Gaincard were also amazingly detailed amps, but I didn't think they had the "soul" of the tube designs (just my preference...they were a fine technical match with the Merlins). Of all the above mentioned amps, the BelCanto SETi40 was the only one that didn't strike me as a good match. I seemed like a very nice amp, but it sure sounded strange to me...not realistic at all. In the end, I think the most important thing is the sound you or solid state. The Merlins don't need much power (and may suffer from too much), so stick with tubes amps rated at 17w-150w and SS amps from 25w-150w...more than that might be overkill. I highly suggest deciding on tube or SS, choosing a price range (new or used), and then talking to Bobby at Merlin. He can tell you which amps he feels are the best or SS. Good luck.
P.S. I wouldn't worry too much about the balanced outs if you find a single-ended amp that you enjoy. I am using single ended outs and ins with an RCA BAMM. My amp & pre are balanced, so I may upgrade my BAMM someday (the balanced versions are much pricier).
Hi Yag, I am a Merlin VSM-M + BAM owner. I currently use Joule Electra 160 monoblocks. The other amps I have tried with Merlins were B&K Rererence 4420. The B&K 's have now been used in a home theater setup. The comparison was like night and day. The Joule Electra are a tweeker delight. If you want a new or different sound than change the drive tubes, mess with the bias or even change the level of feedback. I have not found any limits yet on what can be done or how it sounds. I agree ; the Merlins take on the sound of the amps. As for balanced or unbalance RCA connections I use both. For long runs greater than 2 meters I used balanced connectors. For digital I would definitely used balanced to reduce the common noise. For analog I do prefer the RCA connection with the Merlin- Joule combination. Just saw a pair of Joule 160 monoblocks up for sale on Audiogon at market value or better. I have had the pleasure of dealing with Jud Barber and Bobby from Merlin. While they seem so opposite in person to what I expected they are both really gifted, and prove once again that opposites do attract. Hope this helps