Is this thing for real?

I was doing some research at the Blue Circle Audio website and clicked onto this link:

Does anyone know the story behind this? The website claims it's not a hoax. Is this for real or just a hoax?
LMAO!!!! Too funny. The ultimate wife appeal?? On second thought, I don't think I've ever dated a girl who would want that in her house over my traditional style gear. Different strokes I guess.


Thanks for the dumb info, it is indeed a wacky world. I do not blame you for not knowing if it is a hoax.

file under: different strokes

As ugly as it gets!!! Is this a new concept or have other companies used art or disguises to hide the amps, turntable, cd player, dacs, etc. ?? The B&W giant seashell speaker comes to mind (can't remember the model # but it is expensive).
There was an earlier post on these... they are for real, and for the money, they sound awfully good. Admittedly, they are not for everybody, but for those who like good sound with a twist (at a reasonable cost too) they might be a good fit. They have the same basic design technology as Blue Circle's AG line of equipment. The AG line equipment is superb!!!
That does it. If chronic upgrading is some form of neurosis, this has to be schizophrenia writ large. Help! Get me out of here...