Best SS 200 wpc amps

I need a high current power amp for my B&W speakers. My system is Sony SCD-777ES into BAT VK-30SE to B&W 803 Matrix Series II speakers. My current amp is a SS Kinergetics Class A 75 wpc (rated at 130 wpc Stereophile). I want to upgrade to something reasonable and probably look for something used. I want something that is fast, dymanic, handles macro/micro swings, sweet mids, airy hi's and controlled bass. The B&Ws seem to love high currrent amps with some watts.

My list so far looks like Krell FPB-200, Sim Audio W-5, Rowland, Pass x-250, McCormack DNA -225 & maybe Edge. What do you suggest?

I'm going through a similar evaluation, so a couple of other candidates in that mix could include a Plinius SA250MK III used at about $3k and the BAT VK 500. So any opinions would also be appreciated.
Add Gamut D200 on your list with Plinius SA250. These are my favorite SS amps.
Im in a smilar situation. Looking for a 200 wpc amp, and have selected Plinius 250, Pass Labs X350 and Gamut D200. Ive read that the Plinius is on the warmer side, the Pass labs is very transparent, and the Gamut has a one of the best soundstages available.....

Thanks for the help.
