Best SS 200 wpc amps

I need a high current power amp for my B&W speakers. My system is Sony SCD-777ES into BAT VK-30SE to B&W 803 Matrix Series II speakers. My current amp is a SS Kinergetics Class A 75 wpc (rated at 130 wpc Stereophile). I want to upgrade to something reasonable and probably look for something used. I want something that is fast, dymanic, handles macro/micro swings, sweet mids, airy hi's and controlled bass. The B&Ws seem to love high currrent amps with some watts.

My list so far looks like Krell FPB-200, Sim Audio W-5, Rowland, Pass x-250, McCormack DNA -225 & maybe Edge. What do you suggest?

I would suggest spending a little more money and swinging for the FPB300 (not the "x" version).
The 300 has a much larger power supply and sounds smoother. I use it on the mid/high section of my actively bi-amped B&W800's. The sound is WONDERFUL!

Have fun,
I know someone who went to the B&W factory and they had Levinson amps plugged into the N800s for what it's worth. I know Electrocompaniet makes some nice high-current designs and even named their Nemo amp to coincide with the Nautilus line, so that may be worth a look too. I recently got a Marsh A400s to demo and to say the least I am extremely impressed, and it is a screaming bargain at around $2k. Best of luck.

I am an Edge Electronics dealer, so take this as you will, but the NL-10 is a very nice 220 watt amplifier with no solidstate glare and has enough speed to keep up with the microdynamics of any source. We heard it with the B&W N800s and they did quite well, though they were only 3 weeks new and some leeway had to be made for their not being broken in yet.

They really love fat power cables to play at their best, as do all good power amps, so you should probably factor that into your hunt as well... :-)
Why not save some money and park two outstanding used SS amps in your system. I am using Threshold S350E now, but am looking for two S500IIs or better, 2 S550E to keep the Nauts happy. I've been using Threshold for 20 years, same with B&W 802s and I'm not looking to switch. Tom
Try the Marsh A400. At a little over 2k, it is an incredible bargain. In fact it is the all around best SS amp I have heard. I own one and only very high quality tube amps have been able to beat it.