Return to Audio: What Products to Consider?

Hi, I'm getting back into audio and I'm curious what amplification products this forum would recommend. For criteria, here's what I would list; very good sound (of course), warm rather than analytical, but not muddy or bright, of good, long-lasting quality, from a manufacturer with integrity, costing a few grand or less (I don't always equate quality with price), to be used with classical, folk, world, bluegrass, jazz, electronica music. Mostly low-level listening, with some higher volume (those first few watts should really count) with CD source. I want something to be proud of for me, not for my ego. I want to escape into the music, not hear the equipment. What would you recommend here? Thank you!

You're going to get a lot of input on this. Here is my 2 cents worth.

There is a Naim 32 preamp and Nap 160 amp listed here for $600. There is also a pair of Linn Kan I active speakers with a Naim active crossover (Naim Naxo) at $995. Find a used Sparks power supply and your CD player of choice and you are there.

This is a very compact yet superb sounding system that will retain it's resale value. Naim North America has very good service available on all models and Linn provides service as well.

I'm going to get some grief for saying this.....but in following the Audiogon forums for a year now Linn and Naim are rarely mentioned or recommended. These manufacturers must really rub the audiophile community the wrong way. IMHO the pieces I mentioned may be the best buy at the moment here at Audiogon.

I would spend the rest of my funds on a Sony CD player and Chord interconnect for the same.

Happy listening,
What speakers do you intend to drive with your amplification choice? The amp and speakers have to be mated correctly. Your description of goal, types of music, etc. in your plans like you might like a decent Push/Pull tubed amp or even a Single Ended Triode amp. BUT, you should have fairly efficient speakers for the PP tube amp (8 Ohm, 90 dB) to drive, and you MUST have very efficient speakers for the SET amp (14 Ohm, 97 dB +).

Were you thinking along the lines of an integrated amp, solid state, tubes? Tell us more, and you'll get better advice.
I've actually heard Naim mentioned quite a bit in my queries. I also picked up a copy of Listener magazine (recommended to me) and they cover the Naim 32.5 preamp as a tremendous value in vintage hi-fi. They seem quirky enough for me to like them.
I agree with lugnut. You can't go wrong with that Naim 32/160 pre-power combo for $660. You can get a nice Rega Planet CD player for under $400. Pair this with your choice of inexpensive speakers and you've got a wonderful system. Rega, B&W, Linn, Mission, all make some nice inexpensive speakers that are suposed to sound good with Naim gear.

The nice thing about the old Naim gear is that the value is stabilized. The values are even starting to rise on some items. I think this is due to the fact the Naim still services every model, no matter how old.
