Anyone heard the Pass x.2.5?

I'm looking for a good pre-amp in the $2k to 3.5k price range to match with my Classe power amp. Understand Pass Labs have come out with the x2.5 and am wondering if any of you have an opinion of the pre-amp, as well as the differences with the x1 and 2?
We have heard the Pass X-1 (and X-250 power amp) over the course of a 1-month evaluation.
First of all, the preamplifier is extremely quiet possessing crystal-clear clarity, wide/high sound-stage and fine dynamics. Sadly, this preamplifer had virtually no layering and depth perspective and simply was unable to deliver a tangible, lifelike tonality that makes sound reproduction (when done right) so captivating and real.

peter jasz.
I've auditioned x-0, x-1(95% of the x0), x-2 (90% of the x-1). I've posed the question on other sites and have received it’s about the same as the x-2 just more features and inputs.

I’ve never heard a bad pass component.

Best of Luck.
With the introduction of the X0.2, the gap between it and the X-1 has become much greater.
Contact Perrotta consulting in NY and he is jsut getting the 2.5 in. He let me audition the Pass X-250 am for aroung 4 weeks which I eventually bought.


Can u elaborate on your findings with the pass equipment? What were u comparing it to that had such a deep, layered soundstage which made the pass seem flat?