Linn & Schematic? need one or any advise

i have a small problem in my linn powetek amp and i have a local wizz that can fix it but needs a schematic of the amp........
i wrote LINN and they wont dish out schematics..
anyone here have a powertek schematic or any advise would be helpfull??????
(the linn charge($250) is too much for whats wrong with the amp,thats why i'm doing it local)
If you are thinking of alternatives in an all Linn setup, I would toss the amp. I listened to a demo last week comparing a used powertek/pretek combo, which is dramatically better than the Intek by the way, to a new Classik and the Pretek/Powertek was utterly destroyed by the Classik. This really surprised me since I used to own a powertek for many years and it was one of my all time favorite amps. I thought the powertek was even more musical than the dismal LK100, however Linn's amp technology has progressed allot since the powertek was introduced.
thanx a lot for your replies!
i was just trying to get it fixed on the cheap so i could sell it for a classic system.....i realy dont want to sell it partialy broken i'd feel better if it was fixed.....and i could get more for it being fully operational...
what could i get for the linn pre and powertek?in $$$
I don't know how much you could get for the Pretek/Powertek combo. I know I've seen some Inteks (which was several hundred less, new) going for about $500--although whether the Intek actually could sell for that much in the end is anyone's guess. (I've noticed Inteks come up for sale, and can linger...forever.) The Pretek/Powertek is rarer, however, and might be easier to sell. However, my own feeling is that in a private party sale, you might spend more to the Powertek working than you'd be able to sell it for. It might be best to sell them apart. I've heard from one dealer (not connected with Linn) that the Pretek wasn't that bad a pre-amp, so there might be someone who wants to buy it. You could sell the Powertek non-working (if you can't get it fixed) as a fixer upper or parts unit. Or you could keep it for a doorstop.

The Linn Classik is good--or so I've heard--but I will point out one thing you may have thought of. As with the Powertek, the only service support for the Classik is likely to be Linn. I've toyed with the idea of getting the Classik, myself, but after the hassles I had with the Intek, I'm not sure I'll ever buy anything made by Linn again.