anybody know a true dual mono passive preamp?

I'm looking for a good value true dual mono design passive preamp. I'm using a very cheap Channel Island passive preamp connected to an expenssive Gamut D-200 amplifier and I'm very satisfied with the sound. I compared the Channel Island to McCormack TLC-1 and I prefer the CI. I don't believe on overprice product specialy for a passive preamp.
I know there are very good value passive preamp out there like the Channel Island and the FT Audio LW1. pls. share your experience with us. Thanks to everybody.
McCormack Micro Line Drive,
McCormack TLC 1,
Placette can be configured to a dual mono if you speak directly to the manufacturer($$$!)
The Silver Rock from Audio Consulting is the best pre-amp made IMHO. It is true dual mono with separate volume controls for each channel. Runs about $3200., though. A cheaper but still good alternative would be the Antique Sound Labs passive. Also dual volume controls, and costs $299. retail.
First Sound started by building passive preamps which are amazing even though his active preamps are even better. He will build them on custom orders.
EVS Ultimate Attenuators? Only available used as they are no longer in production. Stepped resistors instead of pots.
Shunt design with gold point attenuators (~10k)
Caddock resistors in almost all positions, Rodersteins in others.
Nice alluminum box
Cardas wiring
Cardas RCA jacks
One input, one output.
Assembled by Goldpoint (Arn Roatcap)
Arn or myself can send pictures. Very nice. Raw material cost was $500.