Wolcott Presence 220M system compatiblity?

I am considering the big change from solid state to tube amplification. I do have some concern as my speakers, Vienna Acoustics Mahlers, require an amp with much control in the bass. I am currently running Bryston 7BST mono's and bass control is obviously not an issue. From the reviews I have read the Wolcott may be my answer. The Mahler is rated at 90db sensitivity with an average impedance of 6 ohms. It does go below 3 ohms in the lower regions. I would like input from others as to the compatibilty of the Wolcott with my speakers. I would also be interested if anyone knows of a more appropriate amp than the Wolcott.

The rest of my system:

Hovland HP100 w/MC
Sonic Frontiers SFT1/SFD2MK11 Digital
VPI HW19IV / Kusma stogi reference/ Grado Statement
Acoustic Zen sliver reference interconnects
Wireworld gold eclipse111 speaker cable
Two of the guys in my audio group got their Wolcotts through me. They replaced their amps after hearing mine. (On Soundlab). However, they are both driving cone speakers:

B&W 800 (Wolcott replaced his Krell mono blocks).

Vandersteen 5's (Wolcott replaced his McCormack Signature series mono blocks).

The Wolcott was sufficiently better that out of the box and not broken in, both guys decided to dispose of their ( previous ) reference amps.
That's interesting Albert perhaps I was misinformed. I believe the speakers were Avalon Eidolon's and it had bass problems, I'll try to get all of the facts(as they are presented to me) together and let you know what comes of it- more then likely I misunderstood what was being told to me.
I have no experience with Wolcott on Eidolons, but the outcome of that could be completely different than on the two systems I heard.
The Wolcott's will drive anything you throw at them. We had them driving a pair of Innersound EROS with ease.

...and oh yeah, Henry is a really nice man :)

I happened to try the amps, upon Albert and Duke's suggestion. At the time I had a pair of Wilson MAXX's here and I was so disappointed. There was absolutely no focus and no bass. With all the respect I have for Albert and Duke, I decided to bring them to a friend's house who had a pair of Maggies. On the ribbons, it was a TOTALLY different story. I have not heard better focus and dynamics on Magnepans than with the Wolcotts. The bass was also world class.

The one thing the Wolcotts did extremely well with the MAXX's was width of stage. It was very impressive, but zero focus.

Call Duke at AudioKinesis, maybe he will let you audition a pair.