Calling BAT amp/preamp owner

First of all, my set up is vk75se, vk50se, krell kav300cd, and sf grand piano. I just notice yesterday (I didn't really pay attention to this before) that my system produces quite loud popping noise(static?) from speakers when I mute or turn the volume to zero. I am wondering if my fella bat owners experience this too. I tried to pin point the problem but got some mixed results. First, I suspected a bad driver tube, because the popping noise appears on the same side as the bad tube is (I swapped tubes left to right vice versa), but when I use my Krell HTS preamp, this popping noise is not there when I mute/turn down vol to zero. Which mean the driver tube is ok. I'm confuse...
I once went to a dealer who was quite enthusiastic about the BAT gear. Had whole room set up with their entire line. Each and every system had superfluous noise, especially the pre-amps. Every time I made adjustments in volume or source selection there was hissing, pops and crackles. When I mentioned it to the dealer, he responded with "so what, listen through it, isn't it wonderful". I know people really like their stuff and seem to really appreciate the build quality. Maybe I just had a one time really bad experience, but all the other equipment there was free from these quirks. As for me , no thanks.

I am not sure it is the tubes. I suggest you discuss it with Victor. Victor is great to deal with. he will answer every question you send in.
Heeengky - Drop me an e-mail and let me know how you make out. I agree with Unsound in that I would not be very happy with BAT if I were unable to resolve the problem. For me however, the problem was resolved with a simple tube replacement. I hope you fare as well.
Hello, I just replaced both 6H30 tubes with the new ones(sovtek) and Tenniswino is right, that seems to solve the problem. No more loud pops when muted. Thanks guys.